Second commission of the LFS solidarity fund

Second commission of the LFS solidarity fund

On Friday, November 27 was held the second commission of the solidarity fund of Shanghai French School. This fund was launched in 2020 in order to support the families that are the most financially affected by COVID-19. The implementation was voted on at the LFS General Assembly of May 30, 2020. After the commission, 14 families were granted financial assistance for the 2nd semester 2020-21 for a total of 765 126 RMB, representing an average of 54 652 RMB per family.

The commission gathered the Executive Director and the Head of School, an elected parent in Qingpu, an elected parent in Yangpu, a member of Solidarité Shanghai, a scholarship officer from the Consulate, a member of the business community as well as a member of the Board (as an advisory voice).

In accordance with the regulations of the solidarity fund, it covers up to 75% of tuition fees, including AEFE scholarship if applicable. All files are submitted confidentially and examined on objective criteria.

The next commission will take place in May and the files will be submitted between April 1 and April 30, 2021. Do not hesitate to contact the finance department for any information.